Raspberry pi Meetup Saturday 9th June

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14:00 - 16:00

Saturday 9th June

  • This Arduino can be fitted to the Raspberry pi to even further enhance the capability of both. These two platforms are a powerful combination.
    This little device is capable of so much, and for $50, it's almost a steal
    Come and check out some of the things Raspberry pi is capable of.
  • Whether you want to use it for a lightweight computer, a remote backup server, a media centre, for home automation or anything else.
  • Come along and check out the power of this small and unassuming device.
  • Non-member of Melbourne PC User Group are welcome to attend this meeting and up to 2 other club events before joining.
  • Melb PC membership gives you access to a range of benefits, including free computer help, Special Interest Groups ranging from genealogy to photography, robotics to home automation.
  • Membership is just $95 p.a., less for concessions.

Finding Us

Melbourne PC User Group Inc.,Level 1, Suite 26, 479 Warrigal Road,
Moorabbin, Victoria, Australia. 3189 — opposite Bunnings

Plenty of visitor parking available at the rear of the building.